My Spiritual Journey

The Beginning

Life is a pleasant journey filled with ups and downs where one learns and understands oneself through his experiences. 

I remember being quite an empathetic child who loved to help her family and friends whenever and wherever possible. Even getting in trouble myself seemed to be a fair option if it helped my peers. Obviously I thought that I was just looking out for my loved ones unbeknownst to the fact that this particular virtue would be the guiding point for me to embark upon my spiritual journey.

The Realisation

As I matured in my life, I tasted the finest wine my life had to offer, Unaware of the fact that soon enough my world would be flipped upside down due to some unfortunate circumstances.

All the ‘friends’ I had were nowhere to be found and I was sucked into this emotionless void almost instantly. But from there on I counted on God, the Supreme Being, as my best friend. There were times I would fight with him and argue on the challenges he threw my way and I found myself constantly asking for his guidance and resolving my most dreadful problems in an instant. 

This made me confident with my intuitive abilities and introduced me to the world of the Tarot later on. Even when I owned a clothing line, I would be approached by my clients regularly for advice regarding some extremely personal issues.

I saw that my intuitive gift and empathetic nature helped people in so many ways and I wanted to add more meaning and weight to this. Tarot helped me achieve all of this.

The Result

The past was painful but I see it as the price I had to pay to become who I am today; a better and happier version of myself.

I can finally say it with confidence that being divinely guided, I have helped numerous individuals resolve their personal issues, find their true self in situations where they were blinded by anger or self-doubt and helped them on their journeys to become stable both emotionally and spiritually. I take immense pride in saying that I help people to the best of my efforts and when someone achieves happiness in their journey , the feeling is purely euphoric.


It is very important to be grateful for even minuscule things in life. I am thankful to some people who are the dearest to me- My daughter, Alyna, who is my constant support and made me believe that I was the most hardworking person.

My husband but for me just my best friend Anmol, who has helped and supported me in whatever I strive to do. My mother, who was a constant reminder that I can achieve anything I put my heart and mind to. 

Lastly, I am eternally grateful to God, who gives power to the ones in desperate need and always listens to his children when they are in pain or happiness. Be kind and loving. You never know what the other person is going through and you unknowingly show them the light and hope they are looking for.

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